iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, dietary fibre, calcium, beta-carotene and potassium
Pregnant women can eat bitter melon, but with caution. It can lower your blood pressure quite a bit and may cause uterine contractions. Bitter melon is an amazingly nutritious vegetable that is good for you and your baby.
You can eat bitter melon during the Selepas bersalin month. Eating bitter melon may actually cause your uterus to contract more, helping to expel lochia. However, some mums experience digestive issues after consuming bitter melon so eat in moderation.
You can eat bitter melon while breastfeeding. It packs a power punch when it comes to nutrition, helping you stay healthy and fit. Bitter melon is also low in calories, and may help you lose weight.
Bitter melon is not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.